The Development of Robot Arm with Smartphone Control Using Arduino

  • Michael Sillang
  • Susie Patricia


In recent decades, the manufacturing sector has seen a rapid evolution. From mass production with an intensive labour force in production lines to the use of robotics to increase efficiency, the manufacturing industry is constantly evolving with more and more infusion of automation. Today, the next phase of evolution is referred to as the Fourth Industrial Revolution or Industry 4.0. This paper presents the development of a robot arm with smartphone control using Arduino Uno. A mobile robot that functional to do pick and place robot are one of the technologies in manufacturing industries that are designed to perform pick and place operations and be controlled by using a smartphone via Bluetooth connection. The development of this robot is based on the Arduino Uno platform that will be interfaced with the wireless controller to the mobile robotic arm. This system is designed to eliminate human error and human intervention to get more precise work. There are many fields in which human intervention is difficult but the process under consideration must be operated and controlled this leads to the area in which robots find their applications. Finally, this prototype of the robot is expected to overcome the problem such as placing or picking objects that far away from the user, pick and place a hazardous object in the fastest and easiest way.



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How to Cite
SILLANG, Michael; PATRICIA, Susie. The Development of Robot Arm with Smartphone Control Using Arduino. International Journal of Advanced Research in Technology and Innovation, [S.l.], v. 3, n. 2, p. 39-46, june 2021. ISSN 2682-8324. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 11 feb. 2025.