Construction Robots and Advanced Digital Technology Utilization to Improve the Productivity for Tunnel Boring in Infrastructure Projects

  • Haru Imam


Due to rapid growth in metro, rail, road, and hydropower projects, India will become the fastest-growing tunnel construction sector in the next five years. While tunnel construction began in India in the 19th century, little is known about the factors that influence tunnel efficiency and their effect on project completion. Time and cost overruns in large tunnelling schemes show this. The research looks at these aspects as well as the use of construction robotics and advanced digital technologies to improve TBM efficiency by designing and conducting a more effective tunnelling operation. The factors have been identified by extensive literature exploration in the current process, and a questionnaire will be sent to tunnelling experts to review the factors and their rated significance. The model will be tested using case studies of comparable type, and inference will be drawn. Contractors should predict the timeline and expense of tunnelling projects based on their productivity while bearing in mind the subjective impact of variables. Also, the factors that affect the use of construction robots and emerging technology to increase productivity.


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How to Cite
IMAM, Haru. Construction Robots and Advanced Digital Technology Utilization to Improve the Productivity for Tunnel Boring in Infrastructure Projects. International Journal of Advanced Research in Technology and Innovation, [S.l.], v. 3, n. 2, p. 1-8, june 2021. ISSN 2682-8324. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 20 sep. 2024.