Determinants of Learning Strategies among University Undergraduates in the Malaysian Technical University Network: Self-Efficacy as a Mediator

  • Ummi Naiemah Saraih
  • Maria Kala Idura
  • Mohammad Harith Amlus
  • Muhammad Azeem Qureshi


This conceptual paper investigates the determinants influencing learning strategies among undergraduates at Malaysian Technical University Network (MTUN) institutions, with a focus on the mediating role of self-efficacy. Grounded in Albert Bandura's Self-Efficacy Theory, which posits that individuals' beliefs in their capabilities significantly impact their motivation and actions, the study explores how key factors such as self-motivation and self-awareness shape learning strategies. A quantitative approach is employed, utilizing structured questionnaires to collect data from a sample of 380 undergraduates across four MTUN universities. The data will be analyzed using SmartPLS, a robust tool for partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM), to rigorously assess the relationships between the identified determinants and learning strategies, particularly emphasizing the mediating role of self-efficacy. The findings are expected to enhance the theoretical understanding of learning behaviors in higher education and provide practical recommendations for educators and policymakers to improve student learning outcomes. Future research should explore additional factors influencing learning strategies to further refine and expand the model.


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How to Cite
SARAIH, Ummi Naiemah et al. Determinants of Learning Strategies among University Undergraduates in the Malaysian Technical University Network: Self-Efficacy as a Mediator. International Journal of Advanced Research in Education and Society, [S.l.], v. 6, n. 3, p. 561-571, nov. 2024. ISSN 2682-8138. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 07 dec. 2024.
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