The Factors Affecting the Impacts of Using the School Improvement Plan (SIP) on Students' Academic Achievement in Malaysia
While professional learning communities are hailed as the solution to raising teacher quality in Malaysia, other nations, such as the UK and Canada, have started to deprivatize teaching. This theory is predicated on the notion that teaching is a collaborative endeavor in which educators grow as individuals and professionals. Rather, it is a cooperative process in which teacher learning enhances student learning. Furthermore, the traditional classroom is rapidly changing to accommodate the needs of students in the twenty-first century while also encouraging the deprivatizing teaching approach. Consequently, this study presents a curriculum-change implementation strategy one school uses to meet Malaysia's evolving understanding of learning in and for the twenty-first century. Narrating a series of anticipated strategic events clarifies the importance of using distributive leadership as an essential tool for supporting educational enhancement and highlights the benefits of consultative techniques. This study aims to determine the variables that influence how the School Improvement Plan (SIP) affects Malaysian students' academic performance. Using a Google Form approach, this study used a quantitative research design, an effective and systematic way to collect quantifiable data. According to this survey, teacher leadership factors have the most significant impact on students' academic success compared to the other two factors. The results of this study suggested a theoretical framework that forecasts the related factors—principal instructional leadership, teacher leadership, and conducive school environment—that influence the effects of implementing the School Improvement Plan (SIP) on students' academic achievement in Malaysia.
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