Unveiling Perceptions of ChatGPT Usage among Information Science Students at UiTM Sarawak
ChatGPT, developed by OpenAI, is an AI model meticulously designed to facilitate seamless engagement in natural language conversations. Its principal objective is to replicate human-like responses across diverse subjects. This sophisticated system is a versatile companion, proficient in responding to inquiries, providing suggestions, aiding in tasks, and participating in casual dialogues. ChatGPT is engineered to enhance conversational experiences with a blend of human-like warmth and intelligence, whether one requires information, assistance, or wishes to engage in friendly discourse. ChatGPT's primary goal is to provide helpful and exciting interactions in different situations. This study wants to find out how helpful ChatGPT is for undergraduate students in their academic work, like researching, studying, or getting information. They did an online survey with 240 people with a Diploma in Information Management and have used ChatGPT in their studies. The survey showed that 91 per cent of the students used ChatGPT for their education. Additionally, 37 per cent of the students mentioned that using ChatGPT for their studies was simple and easy to use. Educators and researchers must understand these opinions to improve ChatGPT and other similar technologies to help students learn better. Future studies could look more closely at what factors affect how students feel about using AI and find ways to solve any problems, making AI a better part of education.
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