The Implementation of Game-Based Learning in Enhancing Learners’ Vocabulary in Primary ESL Classroom
In these recent years, the world of teaching and learning are shifting towards 21st Century Learning skills which emphasise communicative, collaborative, creative and critical thinking. However, the teaching methods of English for young learners in Malaysia are still the same as the previous years back in the non-technology era. Hence, the researcher conducted this study which aims to identify the effect of game-based learning on learners’ vocabulary acquisition. This research employed a case study design which involved 30 learners from Year 2 primary ESL classroom from a sub-urban school in Malaysia. The instruments used in this study to collect the data were data analysis from learners’ worksheets, questionnaire and interview. The findings were then analysed by using thematic and descriptive analysis. This study has demonstrated that integrating game-based activities into the ESL classroom can significantly enhance learners' vocabulary acquisition. By providing interactive and immersive learning experiences, game-based activities have proven to be highly effective in capturing learners' interest and sustaining their motivation throughout the learning process. In light of these findings, it is evident that game-based learning holds great promise for enriching the ESL classroom experience and fostering language development among primary learners. Moving forward, further research is warranted to explore the long-term effects of game-based learning on language proficiency, as well as to investigate optimal strategies for integrating game-based activities into language curricula.
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