Teachers’ Readiness in Developing Special Needs Students Entrepreneurial Mindset
Members of the World Health Organization have committed not to neglect anyone, including persons with disabilities, by including them in all sectors. The significant increase in the number of special needs students by 26.5% in 2022 reflects the reality in Malaysia, where the number of persons with disabilities continues to rise over time. Education serves as the primary foundation for special needs students, and the role of special education teachers becomes increasingly significant when entrusted to teach, educate, and guide special needs students, as well as prepare entrepreneurial-minded special needs students. Thus, this study was conducted to identify the level teachers' readiness in terms of self-efficacy and to test the relationship between readiness in shaping the entrepreneurial mindset of special needs students. A quantitative study using survey method was conducted on 300 Integrated Special Education Program teachers working in primary schools in Selangor. Data from the Likert 5-point scale questionnaire as the research instrument were analyzed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences version 28.0. The study's analysis used descriptive statistics involving mean, standard deviation, and percentage while for inferential statistics, correlation coefficient tests were used. The findings show self-efficacy of Integrated Special Education Program teachers are at a high level. The study results show a significant relationship between readiness and the formation of an entrepreneurial mindset The implications of this study define that educators should integrate self-efficacy to prepare students who have a tendency toward innovation, opportunities, and creative outcomes. Entrepreneurship programs and activities can also be designed as complements in teaching and learning to enhance entrepreneurial mindset among special needs students.
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