Acceptance of IEC Course Content and Lecturer Competencies by Conventional and Online Distance Learners
Internalization of Ethics and Civilization is a compulsory course at higher education institutions in Malaysia that aims to educate students on the concept of good ethics and the internalization of diversity. The effectiveness of learning is called into question when a conceptual course like this is taught fully online and requires proficiency in the Malay language. This quantitative study intends to investigate the acceptance of course content and lecturers' competencies between online and conventional students, faculties, and ethnicities in a private university. The data was collected through online questionnaires among 359 samples. Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 29.0 was utilized to analyze data. The result shows that there was no significant difference in acceptance of course contents between the online and conventional classroom but regarding lecturers’ competencies, it shows a discrepancy. Students responded positively to the lecturers’ competencies compared to the course contents. There was a significant difference in the acceptance of lecturers' competencies between faculties but not the acceptance of course contents, there was a significant difference in acceptance of course contents between ethnic groups, but not in lecturers’ competencies. This study suggests that increasing conventional students’ satisfaction with lecturers' competency requires a variety of strategies aimed at improving instruction quality such as professional development for lecturers, developing timely constructive feedback, and use of engaging teaching methods.
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