Exploring the Correlation of Learning Strategies in English Language Proficiency
This study explores the correlation of learning strategies among Malaysian undergraduates in learning the English language. Recognizing the pivotal role of effective learning strategies in language acquisition, the research aims to identify how cognitive, metacognitive, and resource management strategies impact students' English proficiency. Employing a quantitative survey method, the research involves 221 participants from various faculties. The survey instrument consists of four sections: demographic profiles, cognitive components, metacognitive self-regulation, and resource management. The findings reveal significant correlations among these learning strategies, indicating their collective influence on language proficiency. Specifically, metacognitive self-regulation and cognitive components show the strongest positive correlation, suggesting that students who plan, monitor, and evaluate their learning processes achieve better cognitive engagement and language outcomes. Additionally, effective resource management is crucial in supporting cognitive learning activities. These results imply that integrating a variety of learning strategies into educational programs can enhance students' engagement and effectiveness in learning English. The study highlights the need for teacher training in diverse learning strategies and the creation of student-centered learning environments that encourage self-regulation and the efficient use of learning resources. Future research should consider longitudinal studies to explore the long-term impacts of these strategies and examine their effectiveness across different educational contexts and age groups.
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