Research on Constructing Cheerleading Sport Education Model (CSEM) by Delphi Method
Based on the components of the physical education teaching model, this study combined the cheerleading and Sport Education Model (SEM) to develop the Cheerleading Sport Education Model (CSEM), which aims to construct a new cheerleading teaching model at China University. It adopted the Delphi method and invited 10 experts as the research objects to conduct three rounds of questionnaires. Delphi technology is a widely used and accepted method to gain consensus among experts. In the first round, the experts who participated in the survey received a questionnaire about the components of CSEM and evaluated whether each component should be retained or deleted according to the median and Quartile Difference (QD). In the second round, experts re-evaluated the components by experts and finally adjusted the contents of the text modification opinions put forward by experts. In the third round, experts re-evaluated the newly proposed components. Participants were asked to rate the categorized responses from Round 1 on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being “Very Irrelevant” and 5 being “Very Relevant”. Based on three rounds of Delphi data analysis, the results show that all the items that reach QD ≤0.5 and M ≥4 remain the final components of CSEM. The important results of this study are as follows: 4 primary indexes and 19 secondary indexes are constructed as the components of CSEM. This important research result will lay a theoretical foundation for the future application research of the CSEM teaching model.
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