Motives For Volunteering Among Youth In Promoting Healthy Well-Being
Volunteering has gained widespread interest from youths, governmental agencies, non-governmental organizations and education institutions in recent years and volunteering among youths also debates have taken place in many countries focusing on how to preserve and encourage volunteering for youth. Therefore, this study is carried out to identify the motives for volunteering among youth based on the factors of values, understanding, protective motives, career, social, and enhancement. This quantitative study used the volunteer functions inventory (VFI). The study included a total of 376 youths aged 18 to 30 years involved in long term and continuous volunteer activities either with non-governmental organizations or Governmental agencies. The respondents demonstrated moderate to high motive levels for volunteering based on values, understanding, protective motives, career, social, and enhancement. The results of the study reported that a total of 308 youth (81.9%) stated that they felt themselves to be very important and necessary to help other. The results also indicated that improving Ministry of Youth and Sports, Young Friends program, and Institute for Youth Research Malaysia volunteer programs and increasing volunteer activities would have positive implications for enhancing Perlis youth involvement and motivation for volunteering.
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