Expert Opinion on Selecting a Web Conferencing Tool for Synchronous Online Tertiary Education in Sri Lanka

  • Rannulu Lakmali De Zoysa
  • Lubna Alli Mohomad
  • Rushan Abeygunawardane


Today there are large numbers of web conferencing tools available in the market that can be used for synchronous online education. However, selecting a web conferencing tool for online education is more complex and there are many areas to be considered, especially when it is for a developing country. This study aims to investigate the opinions of experts on the criteria that must be considered when selecting a web conferencing tool for synchronous online tertiary education in Sri Lanka. The study commenced with identifying the common criteria to be considered when selecting a web conferencing tool by reviewing the literature.  The initial study exposed eight factors namely 1) Performance, 2) Compatibility, 3) Screen Sharing, 4) Online event features, 5) Online event collaboration features, 6) Security features, 7) User friendliness, and 8) Customer support. Then the data was collected qualitatively via semi-structured interviews and analyzed using the thematic and content analysis approaches. A total of twenty experts were interviewed which included educational specialists, educational psychologists, and IT specialists. The findings of the study discovered five other criteria in addition to the above eight criteria. The new findings comprise 1) Pricing, 2) User training and setting standards, 3) Facility to conduct online evaluations, 4) Admin functionalities, and 5) Value-added services. Therefore, all together there are thirteen criteria detected by the study for Sri Lanka. The findings of this study suggest that Sri Lankan tertiary educational institutes to set their sights on an ideal tool and establish a successful synchronous online education system.


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How to Cite
DE ZOYSA, Rannulu Lakmali; ALLI MOHOMAD, Lubna; ABEYGUNAWARDANE, Rushan. Expert Opinion on Selecting a Web Conferencing Tool for Synchronous Online Tertiary Education in Sri Lanka. International Journal of Advanced Research in Education and Society, [S.l.], v. 5, n. 3, p. 459-471, oct. 2023. ISSN 2682-8138. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 15 feb. 2025.
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