Unravelling the Factors Impinging the Implementation of Classroom Based Assessment in Malaysian ESL Classrooms: Voice from Practitioners
This study aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of the multifaceted factors that influence the implementation of CBA in Malaysian secondary school ESL classrooms. The qualitative data collection was adopted through the focus group and individual semi-structured interviews. Data were gathered from macro-, meso, and micro-level education providers to cast light on the tripartite factors influencing policy implementation. At the macro level, the study revealed that teachers' attitudes towards CBA, characterised by resistance to change and scepticism, pose substantial obstacles to its effective implementation. In addition, the hasty and haphazard introduction of CBA policies impeded their adoption, highlighting the significance of deliberate and well-paced policy implementation. At the meso level, the research uncovered problems such as improper delivery of CBA, lack of expert support, and non-adaptive teachers who struggle to integrate CBA into their teaching practises effectively. On the other hand, the study cast light on critical issues related to teachers' assessment literacy at the micro level. Evidently, an overreliance on exam-oriented assessment practices limited the scope of CBA's benefits. In addition, the study found that large class sizes and student resistance to non-traditional assessment methods further complicate successful implementation at this level. This study has implications beyond the Malaysian context and provides valuable insights for other educational systems seeking to enhance assessment practises and student learning outcomes in ESL classrooms. Ultimately, this study potentially to contribute to the ongoing discussion on CBA by providing educators and policymakers with guidance on how to establish more effective and equitable learning environments for secondary school ESL students.
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