The Impact of Digital Learning on Kindergarten Education during Covid 19 Pandemic in Dubai
Abstract: Kindergartens are those classes that mainly prepare children for first grade. At the Kindergarten level, the kids get an opportunity to understand that a school is a place of learning and working. E-learning is electronically based learning that enables anyone to learn anywhere at any time regardless of the presence or absence of physical barriers. This study seeks to examine the impacts of digital learning on kindergarten education during the COVID-19 pandemic in Dubai. This is based on the reviewed literature on digital learning among kindergartens in Dubai, the perspectives of the parents and teachers on the impact of digital learning on kindergarten education were thematically analyzed and results were reported. Data collection the study employed semi-structured open-ended questions to collect qualitative data. Data analysis is performed using thematic analysis. The study employed a qualitative research design. The sample size for the study is selected using the purposive criteria sampling method in 55 participants. 25 kindergarten teachers (22 females and 3 males) and 30 parents (26 females and 4 males). The ethical considerations of the study include anonymity and informed consent. The results indicated that parents, teachers, and students were not ready for digital learning and therefore, digital learning resulted in a collectively negative impact on kindergarten education. More effort needs to be put in place in the future including the provision of digital devices to both teachers and parents, the provision of accessible and free internet to parents and teachers, and the introduction of television and web-based programs with activities to help kindergarten students learn while at home.
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