Investigation on the Compaction Characteristic of Sabah Peat Soil Stabilised with Eco-Processed Pozzolan (EPP)
Peat soil was defined as the highly organic surface layer derived primarily from plant remains. Peat, on the other hand, was the subsurface of wetland systems, consisting of unconsolidated superficial layers with high non-crystalline colloid (humus) content. It has a dark brown to black colour, an organic odour, and a spongy consistency in general. Peat soil was mainly found in swamp areas. It was a partly decomposed organic layer of soil generated primarily from plant matter that has collected under waterlogging, high acidity, oxygen scarcity, and nutritional insufficiency. Peat soils have a low shear strength of 5 to 20 kPa, high compressibility of 0.9 to 1.5, and a high moisture content of >100%. Peat also has a lot of deformation, a lot of magnitudes, and many screens, and it contains a lot of organic stuff (>75%). The purpose of the study was to prognosticate the potential of Eco-Processed Pozzolan (EPP) as peat soil stabilisation material with improved technique and its consequence of the methods, which was the peat soils index properties and analyse the characteristics of the peat soil stabilisation before and after treatment using Eco-Processed Pozzolan (EPP). The undistributed soil sample was taken 0.5m underground from the surface in cylindrical shape 150 mm high and 90 mm inner diameter. The soil was mixed with 10%, 20%, and 30% Eco-Processed Pozzolan (EPP) then compacted (compaction test) in a metal mould of internal diameter 105 mm using a 2.5 kg rammer, of 50 mm diameter, free-falling from 300 mm above the top of the soil Three layers compaction of approximately equal depth and 27 blows spread evenly over the soil surface for each layer. The expected result to accomplish the main purpose was to prognosticate the potential Eco-Processed Pozzolan (EPP) as peat soil stabilization material with improvement technique and its consequence of the methods. According to the findings, peat soil treated with EPP will transform its qualities from peat to usable soil. However, the presence of moisture will reduce the mixture's ability. According to the findings of this study, the optimum EPP for stabilising peat soils was 30-40%.
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