The Changes in Indoor Air Pollutant Concentration in Nursery in Dubai, United Arab Emirates

  • Chuloh Jung
  • Muna Salameh
  • Mohammed Sherzad
  • Mohammad Arar


Recent statistics indicate that as indoor pollutants' effects on the human body become a severe issue in Dubai, the need for systematic IAQ (indoor air quality) management is increasing. This paper aims to identify the IAQ pollution status according to the characteristics of nursery rooms and playrooms and suggest ventilation methods. As a methodology, indoor temperature and humidity and indoor air pollutants (Carbon Dioxide (CO2), PM10, Formaldehyde (CH2O), TVOC (Total volatile organic compounds) were measured in two different scales nurseries. The result showed that CO2 was measured below the maintenance standards of KHDA regulation at all measurement points, nursery A at 870 ppm and nursery B at 860 ppm. PM10 has exceeded the maintenance standard of 100 μg/m3 in the playroom and nursery room of nursery A due to less cleaning times and ventilation. TVOC was 1,504 μg/m3 and 723 μg/m3 in both facilities, exceeding the recommended standard of 400 μg/m3 in the nursery room. CH2O concentration was below the maintenance standard at all measurement sites. This study will serve as primary data for further investigation of indoor air pollution in nurseries according to the size and type.


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How to Cite
JUNG, Chuloh et al. The Changes in Indoor Air Pollutant Concentration in Nursery in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering Innovation, [S.l.], v. 5, n. 1, p. 47-56, mar. 2023. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 07 feb. 2025.