The Makerspace Planning for Startup Ecosystem in Dubai, United Arab Emirates
With the advent of the IR 4.0, the manufacturing industry is changing dramatically and in recent global urban development trend, makerspace is the top priority alternative for inner city urban regeneration. Many makerspaces had already been operated all over the world, makerspaces in UAE had not been well-activated comparatively. The objective of this paper is to examine the context, analyse the problems in makerspaces in United Arab Emirates, and to present the planning direction of makerspaces for revitalizing startup ecosystem in UAE. As a methodology, the definition of makerspace the status and main characteristics of U.S. and UAE and makerspaces are analyzed. To derive the direction of makerspace planning, a comparative analysis between three makerspaces in U.S. and three makerspaces in UAE is conducted with literature research and interviews. The comparative analysis result is as follows. First, it is essential to establish the location and space plan in the planning phase. Due to the nature of makerspace's business model, the context of location is extremely crucial. Second, it is essential to establish the plan for equipment. The size of the space and the architectural plan are determined by the type and amount of equipment in the makerspace based on their usages. Third, various programs and contents for education, collaboration and exchange ideas should be provided. Makerspaces are essential not only to provide space, but also to carry out various programs to spread the maker movement and promote startup activities. This study will serve as a basic data to create and enhance a makerspace in United Arab Emirates and if future research will be supplemented, it can be an efficient guide for decision-making process to prepare the design guidelines and operation plans.
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