Re-Evaluating Luis Baragán’s Emotional Architecture with the Concept of Synesthesia

  • Chuloh Jung
  • Mohammed Sherzad
  • Mohammad Arar


In contemporary architecture, emotional architecture is usually a design methodology to trigger an emotional response from its users. The emotional experiences from a particular architecture can be generated by its sense of place. Luis Baragán was one of the pioneering architects who integrated localism and universalism, and the reason why his works are more impressive in real space than in other architects is that they contain emotional elements that are invisible to the eye but appeal to human emotions. The objective of this paper is to explore Luis Baragán’s emotional architecture. For Luis Baragán, emotion is concerned with the search for essence, and architecture has the potential to bring essence into existence. As a methodology, the extraction of Luis Baragán’s architectural vocabulary that he mainly used and analyzes their relationships. For this analysis, the principle of the synesthetic architectural approach and the method of handling volume (void and solid) and light as the formative elements were investigated. The Analysis result had shown that his emotional architecture used three elements such as volume, light and objects. Regarding volume, his method of handling volume was confirmed through the relationship between void and solid, which are combined to obtain various sense of awe. His method of handling light is analyzed in two ways: half-Light and direct incoming light. In addition, Luis Baragán’s uses objects made of natural materials, objects of artificial materials, and objects as a means of maximizing the effect of space that he wants to realize through the juxtaposition. These spatial devices usually linked with the senses that stimulate the senses of sight, hearing, touch, speed, and temperature to induce a synesthetic spatial experience. This study will serve as a foundation to re-evaluate the emotional architecture that stimulates human sensibility with synesthesia that stimulates existing memories, norms, and spiritual values.


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How to Cite
JUNG, Chuloh; SHERZAD, Mohammed; ARAR, Mohammad. Re-Evaluating Luis Baragán’s Emotional Architecture with the Concept of Synesthesia. International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering Innovation, [S.l.], v. 3, n. 3, p. 84-97, nov. 2021. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 14 sep. 2024.