The Analysis of the Spatial Configuration of Rem Koolhaas’ Seattle Public Library

  • Chuloh Jung
  • Mohammed Sherzad
  • Mohammad Arar


Rem Koolhaas is one of the most innovative architects in our times. He has revolutionized the way how architects work with program and interact with space. In Rem Koolhaas' architectural theories and design concepts, he has presented new perspectives on the design and operation of public facilities from an urban level in addition to a new interpretation of a given architectural program. The objective of this paper is to explore Rem Koolhaas' proposal for public space and the characteristics of the architectural configuration. As a methodology, Rem Koolhaas’ architectural approaches to public facilities are organized and representative characteristics are identified. Seattle Public Library combines two concepts of spatial configuration (drive-thru circulation system from National Library of France and undivided smooth space from Jussieu Library) by giving freedom to each element (platforms) and defining orders. Especially he introduced the concept of living room for the public space in the library, and divided information service section into separated part -mixing chamber from the public space. He set up the new concepts of the public space in library by reorganizing the program, and the social role of the public facilities. This study will serve as a basic data to plan a library among public facilities, it will be possible to summarize the new concept of the public area to reflect the new paradigm shift.


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How to Cite
JUNG, Chuloh; SHERZAD, Mohammed; ARAR, Mohammad. The Analysis of the Spatial Configuration of Rem Koolhaas’ Seattle Public Library. International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering Innovation, [S.l.], v. 3, n. 3, p. 63-75, oct. 2021. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 14 sep. 2024.