The Effect of Timber Joist Hanger Depth and Width to its Shear Strength (Balau Species)

  • Tuan Nurul Farazila Tuan Mat
  • Rohana Hassan
  • Anizahyati Alisibramulisi
  • Muhd Norhasri Muhd Sidek


In this paper, the shear strength behaviour of timber joist hanger from Balau species for different depth and width was studied. It was found that the maximum capacity of the joist hanger for 60mm, 120mm & 180mm depth was 11.79kN, 21.85kN & 40.93kN respectively until the hangers failed with different size of failure mode based on the depth with the percentage of 46.0% between 60mm & 120mm depth and 46.6% between 120mm & 180mm depth. The maximum capacity of the joist hanger for 35mm & 50mm width are 11.79kN & 13.91kN respectively until the hangers failed with different size of failure modes based on the width with the percentage of 15.21% between 35mm & 50mm width. The comparison of failure mode behavior of the joist hanger between different depth and width shows the same failure mode for the specimens with different size of failure based on the lower depth to higher depth and lower width to higher width. The depth and width of the hanger have a significant effect on the connection. Thus, the size contribution does affect its shear strength capacity and Balau hanger application.


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How to Cite
TUAN MAT, Tuan Nurul Farazila et al. The Effect of Timber Joist Hanger Depth and Width to its Shear Strength (Balau Species). International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering Innovation, [S.l.], v. 2, n. 4, p. 60-71, jan. 2021. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 20 sep. 2024.