Creating A Low-Cost Calibration Phantom for Diagnostic Ultrasound
The main objective of this experiment is to create a low-cost calibration phantom for diagnostic ultrasound (US) machine using gelatin, agar, nylon filaments and lead filaments. Four custom-made calibration phantoms were produced using cost effective materials to produce a combination of gelatin and nylon, gelatin and lead, agar and nylon and agar and lead. Each of these phantoms contains the filaments designed specifically to produce reading for calibration parameters. The parameters include the measurements of the horizontal distance measurement (HDM), vertical distance measurement (VDM) and axial-lateral resolution (ALR) of the different phantoms were performed by three observers who are qualified to do the tests. For the image criteria section, the visibility, echogenicity and reverberation were investigated. Lastly, the observers also need to choose their preferred low-cost calibration phantom among the four phantoms; gelation-nylon, gelatin-lead, agar-nylon and agar-lead. The results for parameter measurements produces no significant difference between the phantoms and each parameter (p<0.001). Results for image criteria proves to give statistically significant difference between the phantoms and the echogenicity (p=0.005) while for the reverberation appearance, data proves to give statistically no significant difference between the phantoms and the reverberation (p=0.029). All four low cost phantoms were able to give measurements and provide good image criteria for US QA assessment data collection and is comparable to the commercial 84-317 Multipurpose tissue equivalent phantom. After analyzing the data in terms of parameters of HDM, VDM and ALR, we can conclude that phantom D which is agar and lead produces more reliable results while for image criteria, phantom B which is the gelatin and lead combination is the most preferred phantom. Therefore, this experimental study has successfully produced a preliminary evidence in creating a low-cost calibration phantom for diagnostic ultrasound machine as declared in the main objective.
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