A Systematic Investigation on the Potential of Net Zero Energy Buildings (NZEBs) Design Approach Implementation in Healthcare Buildings
A concept called net-zero energy buildings (NZEBs) has received incrementing attention especially since European Union Parliament are progressively moving towards regulation in which all new buildings to be “nearly Zero-Energy” Buildings by 2020. In the context of Malaysia construction industry, the government has a significant concern in energy consumption and the negative impacts of inefficient of energy usage. Although this concept provides promising benefits, however, previous studies found that the benefits of NZEB is still doubtable to the Malaysian construction industry, particularly for healthcare buildings. The NZEBs concept implementation is crucial in healthcare building as it seen as a key-part of the needed transition towards sustainable energy efficiency as well as co² emissions control in its energy dimension. This paper aims to determine benefits of NZEBs practices through preliminary investigation among architects. Several existing energy works of literature and pilot studies by using semi-structured interviews were conducted. The findings reveal that, although the term ‘NZEBs design strategies’ is not being used broadly across construction industry in Malaysia, some green practices related to the design stage of construction has been carried out. The findings are also encouraging in increasing awareness, practices and implementation of NZEBs design strategies by the practitioner in Malaysia. It is envisaged that the paper will provide a basic knowledge for future research in benefits of NZEBs, significant value and design strategies practices for healthcare buildings construction in Malaysia.
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