Strength and Sorptivity of Eco-Processed Pozzolan Concrete under Chloride and Sulphate Exposure
Concrete is one of the most frequently used building material an account of its good compressive strength and durability. However, severe aggressive environmental conditions could lead to deterioration of concrete. Therefore, this study focused the impact of Eco-Processed Pozzolan (EPP) on the compressive strength and sorptivity of concrete exposed to chloride and sulphate environment. EPP is a new supplementary cementitious material produced from the extraction of Spent Bleaching Earth (SBE) in the palm oil refineries. In this study, the Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) was partially replaced with 10%, 20% and 30% of EPP by weight of cement with water to binder ratio of 0.45. The resistance of EPP concretes towards chloride and sulphate attack was investigated by placing concrete cubes in 3.5% Sodium Chloride (NaCl) and 3.0% Sodium Sulphate (Na2SO4) solution and tested for compressive strength and sorptivity of the concretes. The results show that partial replacement of cement with EPP give lower loss of strength of concrete under the chloride and sulphate exposures. The shorter time taken for the capillary suction resulted in higher sorptivity value in comparison with the EPP concrete. The present investigations revealed that incorporation EPP has significantly improved the strength and sorptivity characteristics of concrete.
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