Suitability of Rooftop Landscape as a Leisure Space on the Residential Condominium in Malaysia
Rooftop landscape cuts off the traffic and noise and, heat-island effect. A sample of 150 residents were selected from the residential condominium of Setia Sky Residence who were selected using random sampling, and eight professional architects were chosen involved in the design of rooftop landscape. One of the issues is Malaysia has targeted to reduce CO2 discharge to 40% within the year 2020. A better understanding of rooftop landscape is different if compared to the rooftop landscape in Malaysia, where most of the roofs are pitched. Therefore, the research implemented a theoretical approach through extensive literature review on rooftop landscape. In order to achieve the research problem, it obtained both quantative and qualitative method to meet the suitability of rooftop landscape for leisure activities. Based on the survey, the awareness of rooftop landscape in terms of leisure space to the environment was driven. The research applies descriptive analysis and concluded with recommendation of guidelines to the authorities to improve the social needs of the people. The outcome of the research concludes the acceptance towards the leisure space in Malaysia. Furthermore, the findings appear that Setia Sky Residence residents prefer all categories of rooftop landscape recreation spaces as a technique for improving open green spaces within the urban area and are able to provision the idea of providing rooftop landscape as a way to build green open spaces within the urban area.
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