Sensitivity Level Towards E-Wallet Transactions in Islam: A Case Study Among UniSHAMS Students

  • Nuryn Jazlina Hairullah
  • Sukriah Ismail
  • Marina Abu Bakar


E-wallets are a modern transaction service that allows payments to be made through an application without the need for cash. The purpose of creating e-wallets is to facilitate direct payments for both physical and virtual purchases. However, confusion about the understanding of the legal aspects of e-wallet transactions and a lack of sensitivity towards e-wallet usage are the main issues in this study. Therefore, this study aims to examine the legal aspects of e-wallet transactions from the perspective of Shariah and law in Malaysia, and to measure the sensitivity level of UniSHAMS students towards the legal aspects of e-wallet transactions. This study employs a quantitative research design. Data were collected through questionnaires and analysed using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS). The results indicate that the sensitivity level of UniSHAMS students regarding the legal aspects of e-wallet transactions is still low. In terms of contribution, this study adds to the knowledge about the legal use of e-wallets. It is hoped that this study will have implications for the National Fatwa Council (NFC) in raising awareness among the public, especially e-wallet users.


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How to Cite
HAIRULLAH, Nuryn Jazlina; ISMAIL, Sukriah; ABU BAKAR, Marina. Sensitivity Level Towards E-Wallet Transactions in Islam: A Case Study Among UniSHAMS Students. International Journal of Advanced Research in Economics and Finance, [S.l.], v. 6, n. 2, p. 265-280, july 2024. ISSN 2682-812X. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 13 sep. 2024.
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