The Success Stories of Nordic Countries in Achieving Gender Equality: Implications for Mauritius

  • Deepika Faugoo


This paper explores the exemplary success stories of Nordic countries in achieving gender equality as can be seen in their high-ranking positions in the global gender gap index delineated by the World Economic Forum. This paper gives an understanding of the hugely successful gender equality model of Nordic countries of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden wherein they are considered as leaders in gender equality, discussing its key aspects and its resultant impact. These Nordic countries exemplify the concept of the welfare state where gender equality stands as a fundamental pillar. The Nordic gender equality policies such as enforcement of quotas in electoral systems and on corporate boards, equal pay legislation and parental leave regulations have been instrumental in advancing gender equality. These policies have helped improve the representation of women in parliament, corporate boards and in leadership positions. The availing of fully paid parental for both parents ensures that both parents are involved in child care responsibilities thereby ensuring that women do not experience work-family conflict and this facilitates women to return to the workforce more easily. The equal pay legislation ensures wage parity and is legally mandated. All these policies have led to greater gender equality and has contributed to the high- ranking positions of these countries in the global gender gap index. The position of Mauritius situated in Sub-Saharan Africa is not favorable with regard to the global gender gap index and also in comparison to its peers in Sub-Saharan Africa such as Namibia, Botswana and Tanzania. Gender equality remain an unfinished business in Mauritius despite the gender equal status achieved in education. The country grapples with cultural norms, entrenched patriarchal structures, burden of invisible work, lack of adequate child care infrastructure and the expensive cost of childcare, long working hours, work-family conflict, lack of availability of enhanced maternity leave, social role stereotypes & a dearth of women in key positions emblematic of challenges faced by small island states. Thus, Mauritius has a lot to learn from the Nordic model of equality by implementing and adapting some of their strategies to address specific areas of disparity and achieve substantial progress towards achieving true gender parity that can help improve its ranking in the global gender gap index in the long run.


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How to Cite
FAUGOO, Deepika. The Success Stories of Nordic Countries in Achieving Gender Equality: Implications for Mauritius. International Journal of Advanced Research in Economics and Finance, [S.l.], v. 6, n. 2, p. 134-148, june 2024. ISSN 2682-812X. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 04 dec. 2024.
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