The Role of Work Engagement in Promoting Employee Well-Being in the Service Sector of Malaysia

  • Siti Murni Mat Khairi Graduate Business School, Universiti Keusahawanan Koperasi Malaysia (UKKM)
  • Norzanah Mat Nor Arsyad Ayub Graduate Business School (AAGBS), UiTM Shah Alam
  • Elaina Rose Johar Centre of Value Creation and Human Well-Being Studies (INSAN), Faculty of Economics & Management, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
  • Roozita Maskun Arsyad Ayub Graduate Business School (AAGBS), UiTM Shah Alam


The 2019 coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is a public health emergency of international concern and poses a challenge to psychological resilience. Thus, it results in substantial challenges to mental health, and improving employee well-being (EWB) becomes an important human resource management issue. Research data are needed to develop evidence-driven strategies to reduce psychological impacts. This study aimed to examine how vigour, dedication, and absorption affect employee well-being among employee working from home (WFH) in the service sector context during the COVID-19 pandemic. A snowball sampling was used by drawing responses from 152 executives and higher-level positions working in the Malaysian service sector through an online survey questionnaire. The data were then analyzed using structural equation modelling. The findings indicate that vigour and absorption have a significant positive effect on employee well-being while dedication was found to be no direct effect on employee well-being. Our results suggest that work engagement is an important work behaviour, not only promotes effective work outcomes but also has a positive impact on an individual’s well-being. The data for the study were collected from the employees working in the service industry during COVID-19 pandemic situation. Future research could evaluate other factors as potential moderators or mediators, such as employee resilience and risk behaviour, to further evaluate the employee's well-being and further establish its validity. The study contributes by integrating the conservation of resources theory (COR) in the pandemic situation. In the previous COVID-19 pandemic circumstance, the results showed evidence that answered the question of how work engagement played a role in promoting employee well-being in a Malaysian service sector setting.


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How to Cite
MAT KHAIRI, Siti Murni et al. The Role of Work Engagement in Promoting Employee Well-Being in the Service Sector of Malaysia. International Journal of Advanced Research in Economics and Finance, [S.l.], v. 5, n. 2, p. 129-144, june 2023. ISSN 2682-812X. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 13 oct. 2024.
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