The Early-Age Marriage in Indonesia: Comparison Between Urban and Rural Areas
This study aims to analyze the causes and comparisons of child marriage in urban and rural areas in Indonesia. The variables in this study are child marriage, education, occupation, income, and social environment. The secondary data used is SUSENAS March 2019 data retrieved from Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS). This study employs a quantitative analysis model using the Maximum Likelihood Estimation method (MLE). The results show a positive correlation between parents’ income and child marriage happened in rural areas in Indonesia; hence in urban areas, the ones having a positive correlation are education and social environment. The negative correlation in urban areas is parents’ income and occupation. While in rural areas, there are education, occupation, and social environment. This study implicates that the government must allocate subsidy budgets to productive sectors, for instance, employment and education loan subsidies.
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