Anti-Corruption Disclosure, Investment Policy and Cultural Diversity on Firm Performance: Does the Board Experience Matter?
The intention of this exploration examines the clout of anti-corruption disclosure (ACD), investment policy (INVP) and cultural diversity (CULDIV) on firm performance (FP) and board experience (BEXP) as a moderating variable. The population of this study consists of 193 manufacturing entities listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange, imply purposive sampling method with criteria declared so that 28 entities were seized with 5 years of observation, generate 140 entities data (financial statement and annual report) were come by. Data analysis applied moderate regression analysis (MRA). The upshot points that: 1) Anti-Corruption Disclosure have a positively and significance effect on FP (TBQ); 2) Investment Policy have adverse and significance effect on FP (ROA); 3) Cultural Diversity have adverse and significance effect on FP (TBQ); 4) Board Experience weaken the consequence of Anti-Corruption Disclosure to FP (TBQ); 5) Board Experience weaken the consequence of Investment Policy on FP (ROA); 6) Board Experience weaken the consequence of Cultural Diversity on FP (TBQ).
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