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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has neither been previously published, nor it is sent to another journal for consideration.
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is double-spaced on A4-sized layout; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses). Maximum number of pages is 15 inclusive of tables and figures.
  • All illustrations including figures, charts and graphs, are labelled and supplied on pages separate from the text.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • Authors understand that the submitted manuscript may be subjected to similarity checks using the appropriate software.
  • Name, address and email address (institution's email) of three possible referees outside the authors' institution are indicated in the COMMENTS TO THE EDITOR.
  • Acknowledge the copyright statement: I agree to abide by the terms of the copyright statement.

Author Guidelines




Buletin Sains Kesihatan (BSK) ialah sebuah jurnal ilmiah berwasit yang komited kepada perkembangan dapatan penyelidikan dalam pelbagai bidang sains kesihatan dan perubatan serta teknologi berkaitan. Ia meliputi makalah dalam pelbagai aspek sains kesihatan, penyelidikan klinikal dan juga pra klinikal. Antara bidang tersebut termasuklah audiologi, biokimia, pergigian, dietetik, pengimejan perubatan, sains bioperubatan, sinaran perubatan, pemakanan, optometri, farmakologi, farmasi, fisiologi, fisioterapi, terapi carakerja, sains forensik, kesihatan masyarakat, psikologi kesihatan, kesihatan persekitaran, sains pertuturan dan sains sukan. Buletin ini menerbitkan kertas asli, komunikasi pendek, laporan kes dan nota penyelidikan yang menarik minat ramai para sarjana. BSK diterbitkan oleh Fakulti Sains Kesihatan, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Selain itu para sarjana terkenal daripada universiti dalam dan luar negara dilantik sebagai ahli Lembaga penasihat dan penilai artikel yang dikemukakan.


Buletin Sains Kesihatan menerbitkan manuskrip yang ditulis dalam Bahasa melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris. Manuskrip yang diserahkan untuk diterbitkan dalam jurnal ini hendaklah karya asli yang belum pernah diterbitkan atau tidak dihantar serentak untuk pertimbangan oleh mana-mana penerbitan lain. Manuskrip perlu ditaip selang dua baris, ruangan tunggal dan saiz font 12 Times New Roman di atas kertas bersaiz A4 tidak melebihi 15 mukasurat bagi kertas asli (6 mukasurat bagi komunikasi pendek, laporan kes dan nota penyelidikan) dan hendaklah diserahkan melalui sistem atas talian. Segala surat-menyurat mengenai makalah serta perkara yang berkenaan hendaklah dialamatkan kepada:


Ketua Editor


Faculty of Health Sciences,

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.

50300 Jalan Raja Muda Abdul Aziz,

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

E-mail: buletinsainskesihatan@ukm.edu.my

Homepage: http://myjms.mohe.gov.my/index.php/bsk



Tajuk sesuatu manuskrip perlulah ringkas, deskriptif, dan seharusnya tidak melebihi 15 perkataan. Setiap manuskrip harus mempunyai abstrak, 150 hingga 250 perkataan dalam bahasa Melayu dan bahasa Inggeris yang memperihalkan isi utamanya. Sekiranya manuskrip ditulis dalam bahasa melayu, abstrak dalam bahasa inggeris perlu disertakan. Secara am, pembahagian isi merangkumi Pengenalan, Bahan dan Kaedah, Hasil dan Perbincangan, Kesimpulan dan Rujukan. Setiap manuskrip mesti disertakan dengan 3-5 kata kunci. Semua ilustrasi termasuk rajah, carta dan graf, mesti dilabel dan disediakan dalam halaman yang berasingan daripada teks. Kedudukan ilustrasi seperti yang dikehendaki dalam teks hendaklah ditanda dengan jelas. Semua ilustrasi ini harus dirujuk dan dinomborkan secara berurutan sebagai rajah. Semua ilustrasi hendaklah sama ada dilukis dengan jelas menggunakan dakwat kekal, difotografkan dalam bentuk hitam putih atau warna dan dicetak di atas kertas yang bermutu, atau dalam bentuk imej digital, dan disediakan dalam bentuk camera-ready. Rujukan dalam teks hendaklah menggunakan sistem nama pengarang dan diikuti oleh tahun penerbitan. Satu senarai rujukan yang disusun mengikut abjad hendaklah dimasukkan di bahagian akhir sesebuah manuskrip. Kesemua rujukan yang dipetik dalam teks haruslah muncul dalam senarai rujukan. Para pengarang bertanggungjawab memastikan ketepatan dan kesempurnaan maklumat dalam senarai rujukan. Semua manuskrip mesti mengikut garis panduan rujukan Penerbit, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia atau The Chicago Manual of Style (University of Chicago Press). Petikan dalam teks perlu mengikut format Pengarang-Tarikh misalnya Collins (2000) atau (Collins 2000) atau Biswal et al. (2014) atau (Biswal & Di 2015). Gaya rujukan yang digunakan haruslah konsisten di semua bahagian manuskrip. Contoh di bawah ialah format yang digunakan untuk rujukan.



Andrews-Hanna, J. R., Reidler, J. S., Sepulcre, J., Poulin, R. & Buckner, R. L.   2010.   Functional-anatomic Fractionation of the Brain's Default Network.  Neuron  65(4): 550-562. 

Frings, L., Wagner, K., Unterrainer, J., Spreer, J., Halsband, U. & Schulze-Bonhage, A.   2006.   Gender-related Differences in Lateralization of Hippocampal Activation and Cognitive Strategy.  Neuroreport  17(4): 417-421.



Huettel, S. A., Song, A. W. & Mccarthy, G.   2004.   Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging.    Sunderland: Sinauer Associates.

Ashburner, J., Barnes, G., Chen, C., Daunizeau, J., Flandin, G., Friston, K., Kiebel, S., Kilner, J., Litvak, V. & Moran, R.   2014.   SPM12 Manual.  London: Wellcome Trust. 


Bab dalam buku:

Ashburner, J. and Friston, K. J. 2004. Computational Neuroanatomy. In : R. S. J. Frackowiak, K. J. Friston, C. D. Frith, R. J. Dolan, C. J. Price, S. Zeki, J. Ashburner and W. D. Penny (eds.), Human Brain Function, Amsterdam : Elsevier Academic Press, 655 – 672.



Yusoff, A. N., Ayob, M. M., Hashim, M. H., Taib, N. H. M and Mohamad, M. 2006. Brain Activation in the Cerebral Cortices during Passive and Active Listening : A Sparse-fMRI Study on a Single Subject. Paper presented at the 2006 Biophysics Seminar and 4th South East Asia Congress of Medical Physics (SEACOMP), 7 – 11 November, University of Indonesia, Jakarta. 

Pengarang digalakkan menggunakan EndNote (Petik Semasa Anda Menulis) atau Mendeley.



Para pengarang bertanggungjawab sepenuhnya bagi memastikan manuskrip mereka tidak melanggar mana-mana hak cipta yang sedia ada. Para pengarang seharusnya mendapat keizinan untuk menerbitkan semula atau mengubahsuai bahan-bahan yang mempunyai hak cipta, dan menunjukkan bukti keizinan tersebut semasa menyerahkan naskah akhir manuskrip. 


Sesebuah manuskrip akan dinilai oleh Sidang Editor dan sekurang-kurangnya seorang pewasit bebas. Keputusan tentang penerbitan sesebuah manuskrip didasarkan kepada saranan ahli-ahli lembaga ini. Sesebuah manuskrip akan dinilai berasaskan kesesuaiannya dengan Buletin Sains Kesihatan, sumbangan kepada disiplin ilmu, kejituan analisis, keluasan konsepsual, persembahan yang jelas, dan kesempurnaan teknikal. Nama penuh dan afiliasi semua pengarang manuskrip hendaklah dinyatakan pada halaman depan yang dibuat secara berasingan dengan manuskrip. Manuskrip yang diserahkan oleh mana-mana anggota Sidang Editor juga tertakluk kepada prosedur penilaian yang sama. 


Satu set pruf akan dihantar kepada pengarang bagi tujuan penyemakan kesilapan percetakan. Adalah menjadi tanggungjawab pengarang untuk memaklumkan sebarang pembetulan kepada Sidang Editorial. 





The Bulletin of Health Sciences (BHS) is a refereed journal committed to the advancement of scholarly knowledge and research findings of health and medical sciences and the related technology. It contains articles on every aspect of health sciences, pre-clinical and clinical related research. These include audiology, biochemistry, dentistry, dietetic, medical imaging, biomedical science, radiotherapy, nutrition, optometry, pharmacology, pharmacy, physiology, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, forensic science, public health, health psychology, environmental health, speech science and sports science. The bulletin publishes original articles, short communications, case reports and research notes whose content and approach are of interest to a wide range of scholars. BHS is published by the Faculty of Health Sciences, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. In addition, distinguished scholars from local and foreign universities are appointed to serve as referees and advisory board members. 


The bulletin publishes manuscripts written in the Malay and English language.  Manuscript submitted to the journal for publication should be original contribution and must not have been previously published or is under consideration simultaneously by any other publication. The manuscript should be typed with double spacing, single column and font size 12 Times New Roman on A4 paper not exceeding 15 pages for original articles (5 pages for research notes, short communications and case reports) and should be submitted using the online submission system. All correspondence pertaining to articles and related matters should be addressed to:




Faculty of Health Sciences,

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.

50300 Jalan Raja Muda Abdul Aziz,

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

E-mail: buletinsainskesihatan@ukm.edu.my

Homepage: http://myjms.mohe.gov.my/index.php/bsk



The title of a manuscript should be concise, descriptive and preferably not exceeding 15 words. The manuscript must include an abstract, describing its main points within 150 – 250 words in the Malay and English language. If the manuscript is written in malay, it must also have an english abstract. In general, the contents should comprise of Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgement and References.   The manuscript should be supplied with 3-5 keywords. All illustrations including figures, charts and graphs, must be labelled and supplied on pages separate from the text. The desired placement in the text should be clearly indicated. These illustrations should be referred to and numbered serial, as figures. All illustrations should be clearly drawn in permanent ink or photographed in sharp black and white and reproduced in the form of high – contrast glossy prints or digital images and provided in camera ready form. References in the text should be denoted by giving the name(s) of the author(s).  All alphabetically ordered references list should be included at the end of the manuscript.  All references cited in the text must appear in the reference list. Authors are responsible for the accuracy and completeness of all information in the reference. Manuscripts must conform to the references in Penerbit UKM style or the Chicago Manual of Style (University of Chicago Press). The references style adopted should be consistent throughout the manuscript. Citations in the text should follow the Author-Date format for example Collins (2000) or (Collins 2000) or Biswal et al. (2014) or (Biswal & Di 2015).The Following examples show the preferred format for references.



Andrews-Hanna, J. R., Reidler, J. S., Sepulcre, J., Poulin, R. & Buckner, R. L.   2010.   Functional-anatomic Fractionation of the Brain's Default Network.  Neuron  65(4): 550-562.

Frings, L., Wagner, K., Unterrainer, J., Spreer, J., Halsband, U. & Schulze-Bonhage, A.   2006.   Gender-related Differences in Lateralization of Hippocampal Activation and Cognitive Strategy.  Neuroreport  17(4): 417-421.



Huettel, S. A., Song, A. W. & Mccarthy, G.   2004.   Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging.    Sunderland: Sinauer Associates.

Ashburner, J., Barnes, G., Chen, C., Daunizeau, J., Flandin, G., Friston, K., Kiebel, S., Kilner, J., Litvak, V. & Moran, R.   2014.   SPM12 Manual.  London: Wellcome Trust.


Chapter in Book:

Ashburner, J. and Friston, K. J. 2004. Computational Neuroanatomy. In : R. S. J. Frackowiak, K. J. Friston, C. D. Frith, R. J. Dolan, C. J. Price, S. Zeki, J. Ashburner and W. D. Penny (eds.), Human Brain Function, Amsterdam : Elsevier Academic Press, 655 – 672.



Yusoff, A. N., Ayob, M. M., Hashim, M. H., Taib, N. H. M and Mohamad, M. 2006. Brain Activation in the Cerebral Cortices during Passive and Active Listening : A Sparse-fMRI Study on a Single Subject. Paper presented at the 2006 Biophysics Seminar and 4th South East Asia Congress of Medical Physics (SEACOMP), 7 – 11 November, University of Indonesia, Jakarta. 

Authors are encouraged to use EndNote (Cite As You Write) or Mendeley.



It is the author’s responsibility to ensure that his or her submitted work does not infringe any existing copyright. Authors should obtain permission to reproduce or adapt copyrighted material and provide evidence of approval upon submitting the final version of a manuscript. 


Manuscripts will be reviewed by the Editorial Board and at least one independent referee. Decisions regarding the publication of a manuscript will be based on the Board’s recommendations. The manuscript will be evaluated based on its appropriateness for the Bulletin of Health Sciences (BHS), contribution to the discipline, cogency of analysis, conceptual breadth, clarity of presentation and technical adequacy.  Manuscripts submitted by members of the journal’s Editorial Board are subjected to the same review procedure. 


One set of proofs will be sent to the author(s) to be checked for printer’s errors and it is the responsibility of the author(s) to submit corrections to the Editorial Board.