A Review on Interconnection Concept of Teacher Commitment and Performance in Instructional Leadership
The Conventional Instructional Leadership (CIL) model is a traditional approach to educational leadership that prioritizes academic accomplishments through a hierarchical structure. However, the literature fails to address the interconnection concept of teacher commitment and performance in instructional leadership. The interconnection concept includes economic, social, and political elements that have the potential to influence instructors' motivation and job satisfaction. The purpose of this study is to establish an interconnection between teacher commitment and performance in instructional leadership. Essentially, the discipline of educational leadership has thoroughly studied the correlation between teacher dedication and effectiveness in instructional leadership. This study conducted a comprehensive analysis of previous research on teacher commitment and performance in instructional leadership. Hence, to enhance the quality of education at all levels, the next study should strive to unveil the intricacies of instructional leadership, the significance of teachers' roles, and the determinants that influence teacher dedication and effectiveness.
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