Categorization, Identification, and Management of Stakeholders in University Hospital of China Based on Public Value Theory
Public hospitals, particularly university hospitals, as the primary suppliers of high-quality healthcare services in China, play an indispensable role in encouraging the development of a healthy China. In the new historical period, university hospitals are faced with the challenge of the continuous development and change of the external environment, as well as the internal structure. The primary cause for this is a lack of understanding of the connotation and definition of hospital stakeholders, as well as neglecting stakeholder requests and failing to build and form a strategic awareness of improving stakeholder management in university hospital. This paper focuses on the stakeholders of university hospitals in China, investigates the classification and identification of stakeholders, five university hospitals designated as "Grade A tertiary hospitals" was carried out. Semi-Interviews were conducted with 33 participants including experts, university hospital leadership level, and basic level. The study revealed that there are ten (10) stakeholders influencing the development of university hospitals in China and discussed the importance of stakeholders for hospital management and operation in the current medical environment and doctor-patient relationship in China. The study revealed that certain stakeholders drive university hospitals to shift their development strategies. The classification and identification of stakeholders in the pattern of interactions is critical for understanding the complexity and dynamics inherent in stakeholder relationship management. A systemic vision is required to address the university hospital issue's complexity from a broader perspective, engage the system's numerous stakeholders, and allow long-term decision-making.
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