Hidden Curriculum in Learning: Exploring the Inclusion of Islamic Values in The Classroom
Abstract: Hidden curriculum is an implicit curriculum that implies the behaviour, wisdom, and attitudes that are taught unconsciously as part of everyone's life through words and practices. Teachers, being the classroom manager, should play their significant role in instilling the hidden curriculum in their teaching. This study examines the inclusion of Islamic values as a hidden curriculum in the classroom. It focuses on the teachers’ teaching styles as the medium for the inclusion. A total of 106 respondents were involved in the survey and the data were analyzed quantitatively. The findings revealed that the teachers perceive their teaching style in the classroom as having a high priority for their students’ individual progress and well-being. The teachers also value the integration of Islamic values in their classroom teaching. This research provides valuable insights into the idea that it is important to provide teachers with professional development opportunities to enhance their teaching styles and include the incorporation of Islamic values in their teaching.
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