Scaffolding Critical Thinking Among Interns Through The Use Of Prompts For Reflective Writing
With the arrival of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 (IR 4.0), the elimination of some of the existing ones, specifically those that involve repetitive and predictable manual tasks, has become a threat to job seekers and those already employed. With the advancement of technology, employers are currently seeking individuals with essential skills not replaceable by machines. Among the most in-demand skills are critical thinking skills, which are also transferrable skills across different industries and roles. Higher education institutions play a crucial role in moulding the potential of undergraduates to meet the current needs. The tertiary curricula should be tailored to cultivate strong critical thinking abilities. Among the teaching approaches that have been explored and found helpful for the development of critical thinking is through writing reflections. Instead of writing descriptively, writing reflections requires that writers be critical and analytical in their writing. However, writing reflections is very challenging to many student writers, thus, there is a need to scaffold their reflections to help elevate their critical thinking skills. This conceptual paper presents the arguments for scaffolding critical thinking prompts for reflective writing. As assessing higher-order thinking skills involves measuring reasoning over recall and necessitates assessing authentic performances, the scaffold is situated within the internship context. This experience closely mirrors their impending entry into the working world.
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