Review on Inclusive Education Teachers’ Digital Professional Development

  • Miaomiao Wu University of Malaya
  • Dorothy DeWitt
  • Nor Nazrina Mohamad Nazry
  • Norlidah Alias


Inclusive education teachers need to be digitally competent. However, there is little research on digital professional development for inclusive education teachers. The purpose of this study was to review systematic analyses of digital professional development for inclusive education teachers to improve inclusive education. Using the reporting standards for systematic evidence syntheses review method and following certain exclusion and inclusion criteria, this study conducted a systematic review of digital professional development for teachers in inclusive education by selecting 12 high-quality studies published after 2013 from 2 reputable databases (Web of science and Scopus). The analysis revealed the three themes of necessity, barriers, and future trends in the digital professional development of inclusive education teachers. The digital professional development of inclusive education teachers is of great significance to the success of their practice of inclusive education and should be taken seriously by the education community. Despite the limited number of retrieved articles, this study is still significant for the digital professional development of inclusive education teachers. This review can draw the attention of inclusive education education stakeholders to the digital professional development of inclusive education teachers, which will contribute to the improvement of inclusive education. It is essential to continue to deepen research in this area in the future.


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How to Cite
WU, Miaomiao et al. Review on Inclusive Education Teachers’ Digital Professional Development. Asian Journal of Research in Education and Social Sciences, [S.l.], v. 6, n. 1, p. 538-552, mar. 2024. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 22 jan. 2025.
English Section