The Role of Hard Work on Academic Success Among University Students
Many educational institutions have strived to involve their students to improve academic success through current technologies. This study examined the role hard work on academic success among university students. A sample of 131 from 4th year students through quota sampling responded to the questionnaire from faculty of leadership and management, University of Islamic Sciences Malaysia (USIM) were selected to obtain data for this study. This study adapted a quantitative methodology through a survey to obtain the respondent. Three statistical analyses were utilized to answer the research questions namely: of mean of all means, correlation, multiple regression analysis. The results of means of all means was (2.66) and (MRA) shows that hard work, honesty, and sincerity are predictors at (0.44) of academic success. Hard work was found to be the most contributing variable at (0.54). The results of this study found that the three factors namely hard work, honesty, and sincerity showed an effect of 44.4%. It was also found that among all the factors utilised in this this study hard work has the most impact on academic success among university students.
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