Study on Online Formative Learning Assessment for Effective Measurement of Student Achievement

  • Malayphone Sonephachanh
  • Naoki Ohshima
  • Huang Mengqi


The influence of COVID-19 has caused an explosion of digital transformation not only in the business sector but also in education. As a result, the digital revolution of education has advanced and we are currently in the era of everyday use of various learning assistance systems and educational support systems that utilize digital technologies, especially in the Master's Degree program in Business Administration at the National University of Laos. This study examines the effectiveness of formative learning assessment in learning support systems that use digital technologies. Digitization of educational support systems has realized not only restrictions related to place and time but also the provision of learning content with high-quality visuals and sound quality compared to conventional web-based training. Formative learning assessment is becoming increasingly important in digitalized learning support systems, as it is essential to measure the learning achievement of students more accurately and in a timely manner. In this research paper, we focus on scoring methods for 4-cmultiple-choice questions and propose a formative learning assessment using an online questionnaire platform. Include a description of the nature of the newly proposed 4-choice multiple-choice scoring method, the implementation of this new scoring approach is expected to considerably improve online learning in the Master's Degree programs in Business Administration at the National University of Laos and other comparable programs. Furthermore, this study contributes to the future evolving digital revolution in education by proposing a new method of scoring the assessment with 4-choice questions for the formative learning assessment process.


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How to Cite
SONEPHACHANH, Malayphone; OHSHIMA, Naoki; MENGQI, Huang. Study on Online Formative Learning Assessment for Effective Measurement of Student Achievement. Asian Journal of Research in Education and Social Sciences, [S.l.], v. 5, n. 4, p. 171-179, dec. 2023. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 06 nov. 2024.
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