Exploring the Impact of Chat-GPT on Teacher Professional Development: Opportunities, Challenges, and Implications
The study discusses the transformative impact of Chat-GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer), an artificial intelligence-based tool, in the field of education. Chat-GPT has garnered significant attention and praise for its capabilities in a rapidly evolving technological landscape. However, concerns about deception and misuse have led to bans on educational institutions. Educators' perspectives on Chat-GPT vary, with some viewing it as a threat to students' critical thinking and writing skills. The study emphasises the importance of educators adapting to technological advancements, including AI innovations like Chat-GPT. It posits that Chat-GPT has the potential to revolutionise professional development for educators and better prepare students for the challenges of the future. While initial reactions to new technologies often lean negative, history shows that innovations tend to yield optimistic outcomes. Psychological factors, such as the fear of the unknown and resistance to change, contribute to misaligned expectations. Acknowledging educators' valid concerns, the paper encourages a balanced approach. Educators are advised to integrate AI tools into professional development, leveraging them to enhance productivity and creativity. The literature review conducted in this study reveals valuable insights into the integration of Chat-GPT in the context of teacher professional development via the network of conceptual maps. In conclusion, this study highlights the need for educators to embrace AI as a tool for positive change in education.
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