Industrial Supervisor’s Perception on Students: Amongst KPTM Bangi Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Accounting and Finance Students
The News Straits Times reported on the 3rd February 2020 that, the industrial supervisors (ISV) or employers see that the students are not equipped with the market’s needs (New Straits Times, 2020). Meanwhile, industrial training is necessary for accounting students before they graduate. Students will experience the working environment via industrial training, especially in the accounting field. Therefore, this study is to ascertain ISV perceptions via industrial supervisor report form on the KPTM Bangi (KPTMB) Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Accounting and Finance (BAAF) students who went for their industrial training after completing their academic session. A total of 575 sets of evaluation reports by the ISV are being used to analyse the ISV’s perceptions of the KPTMB BAAF students. There were four (4) parts that would be analysed, which are total overall score; knowledge and skills in the field; management and control of assigned tasks; and diligence, conduct, and initiative. The study found that most of the KPTMB BAAF students performed excellently in industrial training in the accounting field. Therefore, it indicated that KPTMB and Dublin Business School (DBS) had produced good quality students equipped with the market needs.
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