Pre-Service Teachers’ Perceptions Toward Their Pedagogical Competence
A qualified teacher is required to understand the content of pedagogical competence. This study is aimed to identify pre-service teachers’ perceptions toward their pedagogical competence. The research question is “What are students’ perceptions toward their pedagogical competence in pre-teaching, while-teaching and post-teaching”. To answer these questions, this study employed a qualitative research methodology with a semi-structured interview. There were 6 students involved as the participants of the study. Besides, the study employed open coding, axial coding, and selective coding to collect the data. The interview was divided into pre-teaching, while-teaching, and post-teaching. Pre-teaching discussed: 1) perceptions on understanding students’ characteristics, 2) perceptions on understanding theories and learning principles, 3) perceptions on developing curriculum. While-teaching discussed: 4) perceptions on developing educative learning activities, 5) Perceptions on using current information, 6) Perceptions on developing educative technology media, 7) perceptions on performing effective communication. Post-teaching discussed: 8) perceptions on performing assessment and evaluation, 9) perceptions on using learning outcomes, 10) perceptions on conducting learning reflection. The findings indicated that students’ competence in pre-teaching has good development in understanding students’ characteristics and developing curriculum but low development in understanding theories and learning principles. Moreover, participants’ perceptions in while-teaching have good development in conducting educative learning activities, using current information, using technology, and performing effective communication. Finally, in post-teaching, there were only 3 students who were able to conduct assessment and evaluation, use learning outcomes, and conduct learning reflection. Hence, pre-service teachers' competence toward their pedagogical competence in pre-teaching, while teaching, and post-teaching assessed with 10 items of pedagogical competence can be considered good.
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