Least Learned Competencies in Grade 9 Biology: Basis for Development of Strategic Intervention Material (SIM)
This study aimed to develop Strategic Intervention Materials (SIM) in Biology for Grade 9 students. Specifically, it ascertained the least learned competencies in Grade 9 Biology. It also assessed the quality of the developed materials in terms of content, format, presentation and organization, and accuracy and up-to-datedness. The evaluation of the teachers and experts on the quality of the materials were compared. The quality of the materials with respect to the four aspects was also compared. This study used a developmental, descriptive and inferential research designs. Data were gathered using a Likert-type instrument from 19 science teachers and 5 experts. Data were analyzed using frequency count and percent for the least learned competencies, mean and standard deviation for the quality of SIM, Mann-Whitney U test for the difference between the evaluations of teachers and experts, and Friedman Test and Wilcoxon Post Hoc Test with Bonferroni Correction Alpha for the difference on the quality of SIM among the four aspects. Results revealed that the developed SIM had six identified competencies in Grade 9 Biology class, the quality of the developed SIM is very satisfactory in terms of content, format, presentation and organization, and accuracy and up-to-datedness. There is no significant difference on the evaluations of teachers and experts on the quality of the developed SIM. The quality of the aspects of SIM in terms of content, format, presentation and organization, and accuracy and up-to-datedness significantly differ with each other.
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