Hearing the Voices of Journalists in Surigao City, Mindanao, Philippines

  • Kristopher M. Ngilangil


The Philippine media presented itself as the vanguard of the Filipino people’s basic freedoms, especially the freedom of speech and expression. However, as with any responsibility that pertains to that freedom, the news media had its flaws that may result in persecution. This study was aimed at investigating journalists' experiences in Surigao City on media persecutions. A qualitative research method was utilized where Colaizzi’s strategy for phenomenological data analysis was used to analyze the gathered data. The results showed 18 themes that emerged from the clusters such as responsible execution of duties and responsibilities, coverage of important issues in the society, persecutions encountered through harassment, intimidation, censorship, reasons why journalists were persecuted, public officials as the common persecutors, reactions upon receiving the persecution, addressing and facing the persecution. Therefore, there is a need to strengthen the safety and security of the journalist not only in Surigao City but in the whole country in general.


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How to Cite
M. NGILANGIL, Kristopher. Hearing the Voices of Journalists in Surigao City, Mindanao, Philippines. Asian Journal of Research in Education and Social Sciences, [S.l.], v. 4, n. 1, p. 33-43, mar. 2022. Available at: <https://myjms.mohe.gov.my/index.php/ajress/article/view/17398>. Date accessed: 13 oct. 2024.