Formulation of Self-Regulated Learning Strategies Framework for Digital Learning for Lifelong Learning
Digital technology have changed the way university students approach learning because it has become a necessity and an integral part of their lives. University students are accustomed to using their digital devices for almost anything such as communication, collaboration, accessing information for solutions, etc. While digital technologies bring about incredible transformation in the education sector, they also present their own challenges such as media multitasking, digital distraction and mind wandering. Current studies shows that students have difficulties with online learning because they lack in self-regulated skills. Self-regulated learning strategies help students regulate their learning in the aspect of personal functioning and academic behavioral performance. A lack in self-regulation weakens student engagement, leads to low performance and increases dropout rates. Research also shows that students are not taught how to self-regulate. Hence, there is a need provide university students with necessary self-regulated learning strategies (SRLS) to engage and effectively navigate their learning process in an online learning environment. Little is known about the use of SRLS that are essential to assist university students’ online learning. This paper presents a formulation of self-regulated learning strategies framework that can be used for online learning in higher education. This framework can be a guideline for educators and students to master their learning process independently in an online learning environment
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