The Corporate Social Responsibility Practices of Selected Higher Educational Institutions in Bohol, Philippines

  • Precillano E. Echavia
  • Teresa H. Inot
  • Ace P. Uy


Corporate Social Responsibility can be viewed as an application of the four corporate social responsibilities; economic, legal, ethical and philanthropic, as well as the transparent management of an organization. There has been a rise in the awareness and pressures concerning Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in colleges and universities. This study assessed the extent to which CSR practices of selected higher educational institutions (HEIs) in Bohol, Philippines are manifested in terms of the knowledge, perception and attitude of employees. It is also directed to determine whether or not a significant relationship existed in the assessments made by the respondents when grouped according to employment category and school affiliation. The results of the study revealed that the extent to which CSR practices of the chosen schools in terms of the knowledge, perception and attitudes of employees composed of academic administrators, faculty and rank and file were manifested to a very great extent, in the same manner as to  how the selected HEIs  addressed  the implementation of economic, legal, ethical and social responsibilities. Moreover, there were also significant differences being observed in the assessments made when respondents were grouped according to employment category and school affiliation. These institutions differ in their implementation of CSR programs designed to enhance their image and reputation, and boost the trust and support of the public. The study recommended to the administration and management of the selected higher educational institutions that the proposed Integrated Solid Waste Management Program be adopted and must be committed towards environmental quality and sound ecological operations.


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How to Cite
E. ECHAVIA, Precillano; H. INOT, Teresa; P. UY, Ace. The Corporate Social Responsibility Practices of Selected Higher Educational Institutions in Bohol, Philippines. Asian Journal of Research in Education and Social Sciences, [S.l.], v. 3, n. 2, p. 179-196, july 2021. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 13 oct. 2024.