Examination of Appraisal Fairness as a Mediator in Explaining Teachers’ Performance Appraisal in Malaysia
The Teachers Unified Instruments (TUI) is a new performance appraisal instrument to assess the performance of teachers in Malaysia. This research was attended to examine the level of effectiveness of TUI among secondary school teachers in Malaysia. Two characteristics of performance appraisal (clarity of appraisal criteria and teacher participation in the appraisal process) were examined to recognise the relationship with the performance appraisal effectiveness measured based on motivation to improve performance. Appraisal fairness was also included as a mediator in this relationship. A sum of 284 respondents answered the questionnaire made online. The findings revealed that TUI’s effectiveness level was high. Appraisal fairness was found to be the mediating variable that connecting the two evaluation characteristics tested with performance appraisal effectiveness. This study provides definite implications for stakeholders to ensure that the performance appraisal implemented is practised comprehensively, and the practice of appraisal fairness is given great emphasis.
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