Developing Indomie’s Marketing Strategy in Nigeria Through Customer Perception of Indomie

  • Dania Rastylia


Instant noodle has become a promising product in Nigeria due to the increasing market potential, allowing Dufil Prima Food Plc to be the chosen distributor and manufacturer of an Indonesian instant noodle brand, Indomie. Originally produced, distributed and sold  by PT.Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk in Indonesia, Indomie has become a common staple in Nigeria through the use of adequate marketing strategies and proper national expansion. Instant noodle was first introduced in Nigeria by the 1990s, where Indomie acts as a pioneer in building the instant noodle industry in the country, it was not well perceived at first and needed time for the people to start accepting it in their everyday meal yet today, it becomes the best selling instant noodle brand in Nigeria. Indomie produces two types of instant noodles namely broth based noodles and stir fry noodles. In the midst of Indomie’s success of being a market leader in Nigeria, other businesses have started their own brands thus creating a new competitor in the market. Therefore, the aim of the dissertation is to generate new marketing strategies for Indomie in Nigeria based on the perception of Indomie from both Nigerian and Indonesian consumers. The purpose of the strategies is to compete with competitors and stay relevant in the country by comparing both aspects from either country. The data collected will be derived from interviews and descriptive analysis from previous researches, journals and printed documents. The end result are strategies that can be implemented by Indomie Nigeria while still being in line with the vision, mission and value of Indomie as a company and brand.


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How to Cite
RASTYLIA, Dania. Developing Indomie’s Marketing Strategy in Nigeria Through Customer Perception of Indomie. Asian Journal of Research in Business and Management, [S.l.], v. 5, n. 3, p. 1-10, sep. 2023. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 04 dec. 2024.