Social Media Usage and Organizational Performance among Travel Agencies
The scientific research study scrutinized the correlation between social media and organizational performance among travel agencies in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The research empirical study utilized a descriptive research design with a quantitative approach. A sample size of 358 participants were determined from 1320 people as study population. Data was gathered using survey questionnaires and examined using descriptive statistics such as tables, frequencies, percentages, means and standard deviation. The researcher also used inferential statistics such as Structural Equation modelling (SEM) for establishing the relationship between the study variables. The SEM was used while using standardized coefficients (betas) to denote the relative strength of the statistical relationships in the study. The research findings established that there was a significant effect between social media usage and organizational performance among travel agencies in the UAE. The study concluded that the emergence of social media sites and widespread usage has changed the way businesses operate, especially in the marketing sector of organizational performance. The media usage has compelled travel and tour companies to embrace the change that has also created a better platform for them to market and advertise their services. From the study findings, the researcher recommended that the management of travel agencies in UAE can consider improving the performance of their organization by improving on the orientation efforts offered to their customers through feasible discussion sessions where customers can actually tailor their worries using media that do not expose negative perceptions recorded to the public. This can include messages through emails and close private chats in Facebook.
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