Intellectual Capital and Organizational Performance Within Sharjah Social Services Department
This systematic research inquiry scrutinized the influence of intellectual capital on organizational performance within Sharjah social services department in United Arab Emirates (UAE). The research schoolwork engaged a survey cross-sectional research design with a positivism philosophy. A sample size of 275 participants were selected from a target population of 700 people using a table developed by Morgan & Krejcie (1970). Statistics were garnered using questionnaires, simple random sampling, stratified random sampling and analyzed using descriptive statistics such as tables, frequencies, percentages, means, standard deviation, skewness and Kurtosis. The researcher also used inferential statistics such as path coefficients and multiple regression analysis to establish the relationship between the study variables. The study found out that intellectual capital significantly affects organizational within Sharjah social services department in UAE. The study concluded that intellectual capital can make a major foundation for growth and development in any country in the cosmos. It was recommended that managers of Sharjah Social Services Department should take the necessary steps to improve intellectual capital so that they may contribute towards accomplishing better organizational performance. Sharjah Social Services Department should set aside substantial funds for sponsoring their staff for further studies so that they can acquire more knowledge and skills for effective performance at workplace. This can contribute favorably to the growth and development of Sharjah in the UAE.
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