The impact of COVID-19 focusing on Industries: Healthcare, Logistics and Transportation, and Tourism
The year 2020 has been an unexpected crisis where a virus known as a coronavirus (COVID-19) has struck humans across the world. This study examines whether COVID-19 has significantly impacted the performance of Malaysia's industries focusing on healthcare, logistics and transportation, and tourism. It is done by collecting a few samples from the annual report for each company for the chosen industry. The performance of the industries is measured by the changes in revenue and its profitability. This study found that COVID-19 has no significant impact on revenue and profitability for the industry of healthcare, logistics and transportation, while COVID-19 only impacted the revenue of the tourism industry. It is recommended that this study extends to the study on the SME as the SME was the most impacted industry during the pandemic, as reported by The Star (10 November, 2020), a case study for the companies that are benefited during the pandemic, such as Top Glove, Hartalega Holdings, Kossan Rubber Industries, and Supermax Corp and study other factors that impacted the net profit margin and revenue for industries or companies.
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