Determinant Factors Affecting Podcast Users’ Acceptance to Listen to Podcast
The growth of Information and Technology Systems which has an impact on changes in behavior patterns has resulted in users consuming digital media. Digital audio entertainment seeks to have consumers’ attention by representing audio with its flexibility. The presence of podcasts as on-demand audio services attracts Internet users because it can be heard anytime and anywhere with any device. The growth of podcast users in Indonesia that tends to be fairly slow is the main focus in this research. This study aims to determine the factors that affect Indonesian podcast users' acceptance in listening to podcasts in order to help podcast companies to develop appropriate strategies to increase the listeners. This study adapted the model constructed by Venkatesh et al., UTAUT 2. This research will use a quantitative approach through a questionnaire with PLS-SEM as a data processing technique to analyze the relationship of the variables. The study will be limited to minimum 270 podcast users aged 18-34 in Jakarta and Bandung. The result indicates that habit directly and indirectly affects the use behavior. Hedonic motivation and price value, indirectly affect the use behavior of podcast users. Meanwhile, facilitating conditions directly affect the use behavior.
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